Export Information
HS CODE: 39241099
Categories & Product
Plate, Bowl, Water Jug, Cup, Rice Bucket, Tissue Box, Food Container, Sealware, Lunch Box, Cookie Jar, etc.
Furniture & Rack
Cupboard, Drawer, Rack, Chair, Stool, Garden Chair, kids Chair, etc.
Basin, Pail & Bucket
Basin, Pail and Bucket with various models and sizes.
Container Box & Shopping Basket
Shopping Basket and Container Box with various models and sizes.
Laundry Room, Storage & Organizer
Laundry Basket, Rinse Board, Hanger, Etc.
Cleaning & Bathroom
Baby Bath, Water Dipper, Dusbin, Dustpan, Etc.
Gold Items
All Categories in gold colors
Flower Pot
Flower Pot with various models and sizes.